The Three Little Pigs. Cuento corto en inglés para niños
Cuetos infantiles tradicionales protagonizados por animales
Los Tres Cerditos es uno de los cuentos que se han leído de generación en generación. Un cuento que nos ayuda a enseñar a los niños valores como el esfuerzo, la perseverancia y la cooperación. Si además tus hijos están aprendiendo inglés o quieres que mejoren su vocabulario, puedes leer con ellos este cuento corto en inglés para niños: Three little pigs.
También puedes leer: Cuento de los tres cerditos en español
Cuento de los tres cerditos en inglés para niños
Once upon a time there were three little pigs.
One day they set out from the farm where they had been born. They were going out into the world to start new lives and enjoy any adventures that might come their way.
The first little pig met a man carrying some straw, and he asked him if he might have some to build himself a house.
-"Of course, little pig," said the man.
He gave the little pig a big bundle of straw, and the little pig built himself a lovely house of golden straw.
A big bad wolf lived nearby. He came along and saw the new house and, feeling rather hungry and thinking he would like to eat a little pig for supper, he called out:
-"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."To which the little pig replied,
-"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I´ll not let you in!"
So the wolf shouted very crossly.
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-"Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff, Till I blow your house in!"
And he huffed and he puffed, and he HUFFED and he PUFFED until the house of straw fell in, and the wolf ate the little pig for his supper that evening.
The second little pig was walking along the road when he met a man with a load of wood.
-"Please Sir," he said, "can you let me have some of that wood so that I can build a house?"
-"Of course," said the man, and he gave him a big pile of wood.
In no time at all, the little pig had built himself a lovely house.
Cuento en inglés sobre el esfuerzo y la perseverancia: Three little pigs
The next evening, along came the same wolf. When he saw another little pig, this time in a wooden house, he called out,
-"Little pig, little pig, let me come in."
To which the pig replied,
-"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I´ll not let you in!"
So the wolf shouted,
-"Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff, Till I blow your house in!"
And he huffed and he puffed and he HUFFED and he PUFFED until the house fell in and the wolf gobbled up the little pig for his supper.
The third little pig met a man with a cartload of bricks.
-"Please Sir, can I have some bricks to build myself a house?" he asked, and when the man had given him some, he built himself a lovely house with the bricks.
The big bad wolf came along, and licked his lips as he thought about the third little pig. He called out,
-"Little pig, little pig, let me come in!"
And the little pig called back,
-"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, I´ll not let you in!"
So the wolf shouted,
-"Then I´ll huff and I´ll puff, Till I blow your house in!"
And the wolf huffed and he puffed, and he HUFFED and he PUFFED, and he HUFFED again and PUFFED again, but still the house, which had been so well built with bricks, did The Three Little Pigs not blow in, no matter how hard the wolf tried.
The wolf went away to think how he could trick the little pig, and he came back and called through the window of the brick house,
-"Little pig, there are some marvellous turnips in the farmer´s field. Shall we go there tomorrow morning at six o´clock and get some?"
The little pig thought this was a very good idea, as he was very fond of turnips, but he went at five o´clock, not six o´clock, and collected all the turnips he needed before the wolf arrived.
The wolf was furious, but he thought he would try another trick. He told the little pig about the apples in the farmer´s orchard, and suggested they both went to get some at five o´clock the next morning.
The little pig agreed, and went as before, an hour earlier. But this time the wolf came early too, and arrived while the little pig was still in the apple tree. The little pig pretended to be pleased to see him and threw an apple down to the wolf.
While the wolf was picking it up, the little pig jumped down the tree and got into a barrel. He rolled quickly clown the hill inside this barrel to his house of bricks and rushed in and bolted the door.
The wolf was very angry that the little pig had got the better of him again, and chased him in the barrel back to his house.
When he got there he climbed on to the roof, intending to come down the chimney and catch the little pig that way. The little pig was waiting for him, however, with a large cauldron of boiling water on the fire.
The wolf came down the chimney and fell into the cauldron with a big SPLASH, and the little pig quickly put the lid on it.
The wicked wolf was never seen again, and the little pig lived happily in his brick house for many many years.
Más cuentos en inglés para niños
Pedro y el lobo: aquí tienes la fábula en inglés para niños: The boy who cried wolf para que los niños aprendan nuevo vocabulario mientras pasan un rato de lectura entretenido.
La paloma y la hormiga: Os invitamos a leer la fábula de Esopo en inglés: The dove and the ant, un estupendo recurso para que los niños aprendan nuevo vocabulario en inglés, mientras aprenden sobre el valor de ser amable con los demás y ayudar a quien lo necesita.
The ant and the grasshoper: esta es la fábula de la cigarra y la hormiga, un cuento en inglés con moraleja sobre el valor del trabajo y el esfuerzo y, sobre las consecuencias que trae holgazanear.
The lion and the mouse: esta fábula del león y el ratón comienza así "Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him."
The hare and the turtle (la liebre y la tortuga): Un cuento con valores para educar a través de la lectura. Se trata de una fábula corta de Esopo, de hecho, es una de sus más conocidos relatos.

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12 sep 2014 03:54 James
nice! I like it :D