Inglés para adolescentes: 10 amazing facts about The Statue of Liberty
10 datos sorprendentes sobre La Estatua de la Libertad en inglés para que los estudiantes de secundaria aprendan de forma divertida
Te invitamos a leer 10 datos asombrosos sobre la Estatua de la Libertad en inglés: 10 amazing facts about The Statue of Liberty. Una lectura muy interesante, elaborada por la redacción de la revista para aprender inglés I Love English, basado en el contenido que pueden leer en el número 341 de la revista (marzo 2022).
Esta lectura en inglés para adolescentes ayudará a los jóvenes entre 12 y 15 años a mejorar su nivel de inglés y además, aprenderán un montón de curiosidades las distintas razas de perros.
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10 amazing facts about The Statue of Liberty: 10 datos sorprendentes sobre La Estatua de la Libertad
1. The Statue of Liberty was inaugurated in New York City in 1886. This American icon is on Liberty Island. It celebrated its 135th anniversary in October 2021. It sits on a granite star, which was originally a fort. The statue was shipped to New York in 350 pieces. It took four months to reassemble it!
2. For decades, it was the first thing that European immigrants to the USA saw after a long and dangerous journey by sea. They came to a new life in America, and the Statue of Liberty was there to welcome them when they arrived in New York Harbour. It was a symbol of hope and freedom.
3. It was Eduard de Laboulaye, known as the "Father of the Statue of Liberty", who came up with the idea for the statue in 1865. He thought that a great monument should be given as a gift from France to the USA to celebrate the abolition of slavery and to inspire French people to fight against the repression under Napoleon III.
4. Ten years later this idea turned into a reality. France gave the Statue of Liberty to the USA to celebrate the 100th anniversary of American independence. Two Frenchmen, sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and engineer Gustave Eiffel, designed the gift.
5. The statue was copper-coloured when it was inaugurated in 1886. Copper turns green when it is exposed to the air! The green copper statue is 46 metres tall. With the pedestal, the statue is 93 metres high. The torch is copper covered in gold leaf. The right arm is 13 metres long, and her nose is 1.4 metres long.
6. The metal framework is by Gustave Eiffel. Around 18,000 different types of hammers were used to create the copper structure! The spiral staircase has 162 steps. This spiral staircase goes up into the crown. The date on the tablet is in Roman numerals. Liberty has chains at her feet.
7. The statue represents Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. She wears flowing robes and enlightens the world with her gold torch. Libertas holds a tablet with an important date on it ? 4 July 1776. It?s the day that America declared independence from Great Britain!
8. 377 steps inside the statue lead to the crown. The crown is temporarily closed to the public, but visitors can climb the 215 steps up to an observation deck at the top of the "pedestal". People who cannot use the stairs can take the elevator.
9. There are several replicas of the statue, as well as a smaller version in Paris, standing near the Eiffel Tower, and in Las Vegas (Nevada). The statue has inspired may artists, including Spanish painter Salvador Dalí, who designed his own statue with both arms holding torches instead of one tablet.
10. Miss America, the comic book character, was given her powers by the statue. Some of the most famous film appearances of the Statue of Liberty are: in The Day After Tomorrow (where it is destroyed), X-Men (2000), Titanic (1997), Ghostbusters II (1989)...
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